Tuesday, August 08, 2006

I want you...to want me!

Ok, as an inaugural post I was thinking of what to write? What would pique my interest? What would pique the interest of the many readers? Can't alienate the masses after all. Thinking what in the world would jump out and be good. I mean what can I say that hasn't been said. What idea could I come up with that isn't completely bastardized. I cannot think of one single original idea to pop the cherry of this particular blog. I'm looking forward to interacting with you people. And when I do think of something funny and original...oh boy are you guys going to get blown away. It'll be a perfect blend of political satire with a cutting wit that would make Oscar Wilde blush. Oh but until that day I will make you wonder what you are actually waiting for. "Will it be as funny as promised?" you'll ask yourself. I cannot give you some sort of deposit on the funny but I give you my word and that's about all that I really have, other than herpes.

So hold on and enjoy the ride. Just remember, it could be a lot worse. This could just be about celebrities. Oh they'll be involved somewhat, case in point, what in the hell is up with that Mel Gibson guy, what an ass. See I can be topical.

Overall I think that this will be worth the wait. Don't hold your breathe.


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