Friday, August 18, 2006

Damn Terrorist Supportin' Judges

Apparently it's unconstitutional for the government to love us enough to take away our civil liberties. At least that's what a federal judge says about the government's wire tapping of international phone calls. I say that the President just loves us too much to let us talk to anyone overseas without his knowing about it and knowing what is said. America is a battered wife to Mr. Bush. We're going to leave him, and hopefully his ideals, in 2008 and until then we're trying to take the kids away to our sister's house (Canada).
Up until this administration I had this optimistic outlook for America, we were moving in a socialist direction. Ever since Roosevelt we were headed towards a better America and then this guy, and his ultra-conservative buddies, decide that America needs to be the next British Empire spreading our seed all over the world, sort of like a domino theory of fun. Which is funny because the judge presiding over the case with the NSA and the wiretapping thingy wrote:

"There are no hereditary Kings in America and no powers not created by the Constitution. So all inherent powers' must derive from that Constitution."

So we all know that Bush doesn't give a good goddamn about the constitution and that he would appoint a relative in a heartbeat, Jeb Bush, to continue the Bush Doctrine further into the 21st century.

So in closing, the sun will not set on the American Empire and we'll invade you and instigate a civil war if you disagree with us.

Here is the Washington Post Article about the judge's ruling.

No matter what the verdict is we're probably going to, as a country, get fucked. Enjoy.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You smarmy bastard.