Tuesday, March 06, 2007

U.S. Government Still Has It's Head Up It's Ass

I was just sitting around wondering what to write about. It's been weeks since my last post and I'm worried about my readers. What will they do without my input.
So, I'm sitting there reading the news when a little article pops out at me. It's about Darfur and how the government, our government, the U.S. government says that the worst human rights violations are going on there. What the fuck. The government says this and then sits back and sighs and says, "Thank God we didn't start that one." Because also on the list are Afghanistan and Iraq. A collective "You're Welcome" from the US of A. How can the most powerful country in the world look on as genocide is going on? We did it before in the gay 90's and Clinton has gone on the record saying that every day he regrets that we didn't do anything in Rwanda. Do we really want to stand by as people are getting raped and slaughtered. That's right, rape, what in the hell is going on over there?
Here's a link to the article, they're much smarter than this little hobo and much more eloquent than I'll ever be.

Voice Of America Article In Question

I'm sorry I'm a bit pissed off today and this thing just set me off. How can...Forget it.

We as a country need to get off of our collective ass and do something globally. At least think globally. I'm ashamed of myself when I read something like this. What are we doing? We just publish a fucking report and then expect the country to forget it. American Idol gets more coverage than a goddamn genocide.

Fuck this noise.


Upside, "Scooter" Libby found guilty. Hooray for the judicial system.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yeah? And just what have YOU done?