Sunday, June 24, 2007

Smarmy is as Smarmy does

Welcome home, first of all let me direct your attention to the sidebar under the links tab. There's a new link to a website called Delicious Sandwich. It's a sandwich review blog for deli's and such in NYC. Pretty interesting.
Once again it's been a while since my last posting. It's getting to the point that I post once a quarter. So as my quarterly post this will be a big 'ol spectacle. Much like what you, my adoring public, are accustomed to.
Lately I have tried becoming an optimist. For most of my life I have been the staunch pessimist, I have bragged about it, flaunted it in the faces of the optimistic. Now I have decided that life is too damned short and that I need to do something that would help me be happy. Mind you, for most of my pessimistic years I was depressed. As of late, what with my optimistic point of view the depression has left. It's a good feeling, really good feeling. Part of the paradigm shift is the idea that people are naturally good. I try to believe this so that I can sleep at night. Then I actually interact with people and they shake my new belief system. I try not to hate and yet people I meet dare me to hate them. Case in point...Smarmy has taken a job. The job is that of a waiter at a little italian place. The owners of the place, we'll call "Sid's", are evil. Now I go into this situation thinking that all people are, at their core, good. Then I work with this woman who would turn Medusa to stone. Now here I am with an idea that is shattered before it could ever really take hold. I don't know what to believe. Oh yeah and politicians also make me really feel sorry for humanity as a whole. As long as there are politicians, and that means everyone who ever really wanted to hold political office, we are fucked. I cannot vote for someone who actually wants to be part of that system. Remember that this is an uneducated opinion. Just one hobo spewing forth my vile ideas.
To sum up this post, we're all fucked...that's really it.

Hope we all live to old age,


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