Have you ever seen pure evil? Look to the right and then you can say that you have. This man has completely disregarded the constitution and proceeds to shit on America. Why in God's name does he have the right to do what he has already done. I would go so far as to say that he is a traitor. Although he will never see the inside of Guantanamo Bay. That smirk on his face seems to say "You are all so fucked and you don't even know the half of it." This is a country that has so much potential and yet we are underperfoming left and right. I wake up every morning with a pretty good attitude and then I read something about how this administration, which includes Mr. Cheney, is running our country into the ground.
I recently listened to Pete Seeger singing "This land is our land" and it made me tear up because it is a beautiful country and it is being raped. Our government is taking this country in a direction that resembles Germany circa 1933. Except Germany was coming out of a horrible depression and America was coming from a great surplus. The state of this great nation is going down the drain. The people to thank are you and I, look around, we did this to ourselves. We made this country ripe for the picking by evil men. That's the beauty of a democracy, when something like this happens we can put the blame squarely on ourselves. I'm a bit disappointed with us but we can do better. 2008 is right around the corner and since every candidate has jumped the gun and we're already being posed with the question "Who are you going to vote for?". We have a veritable smorgasbord of candidates to choose from. I'm kind of leaning towards the gentleman from Alaska. But here's the good news, it can get better. It will get better. It's cyclical, we'll get a great president again, I just don't know who.
Good luck.
I read the first line (question) of your post a split second before the picture loaded. HAHA! Yes, he is an old fox. My dislike for him has even made me cut short a date because the poor guy said he interned at Haliburton one summer, lols.
You're the only guy I know who tears up when he hears singin commies.
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