Mr. McCartney is one of the most talented writers in pop music history. He is also responsible for his share of pure shit. But as of late he's been slipping. First of all he gave Linda McCartney cancer and then he got involved with a one legged whore. I have no problem with amputees or whores but you put them together and I am seriously pissed off. This is all beside the point, what I am here to tell you is that this man should have been put down in 1975. Yes that's right, I said it. Everyone was thinking it and I'm the one with the balls to put it on the goddamn internet. Mr. Paul McCartney made beautiful music with "The Beatles" and then made mediocre at best music with "Wings". In between there were a couple of albums that are amazing. "Ram" and "McCartney" both are amazing. But the thing is this, how do you go from making music that will stand for generations and then slowly slide to make music only serious fans like, that's like...not love. I'm sorry but I've had enough of his silly love song bullshit. His second to last album was produced by Radiohead's producer and his latest is produced by I don't give a damn. I won't even look online for it. I just don't give enough of a shit to spend a minute looking up who produced his latest train wreck, "Memory Almost Full". The album can be bought as a Deluxe Edition where they just take your money and you won't have to listen to the cd. That's the record label looking out for you the consumer.
A friend of mine bought the aforementioned shit and he says that it's pretty good, he says that the single is a throwaway song and that the rest of the album is cynical and dark. I believe him but don't really want to throw my life away, I'm still young.
Do yourself a favor and purchase "Ram" instead of letting him think that he should make more albums.
Paul would be so much better if John was still alive.
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